Roi Shternin
Revolution From your Bed
I need out - A new Journey Begins

I need out - A new Journey Begins

From a Flawed Hero to a Healing Soul: A New Journey Begins

First, a heartfelt thank you. Your support throughout my initial journey has been a source of immense strength. You listened as I battled a mysterious illness, cheering me on as I faced the healthcare system.

However, that story wasn't the whole picture. It painted me as a valiant warrior, but the truth is, I'm human. The experience left its mark, and it's time I address the mental scars, the PTSD I've been carrying.

That's why I'm embarking on a new journey – a journey towards healing. This time, I'll be honest, vulnerable, and open about the challenges faced by those serving on the frontlines.

Will you join me?

This next chapter will be raw, unfiltered, and focused on growth. If you're interested in following along, stay tuned!

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Roi Shternin
Revolution From your Bed
*From Bedridden to Badass: Your Chronic Illness Recovery Journey Starts Here!Are you struggling with chronic illness, fatigue, or feeling trapped in your comfort zone?* Our host, Roi Shternin, understands exactly what you're going through. For years, POTS syndrome left him bedridden and unable to walk or talk. But Roi didn't give up. He fought his way back to health and is now on a mission to help others do the same. *This podcast is your guide to reclaiming your life.* In each episode, Roi shares his inspiring story, practical recovery tips, and strategies to overcome any obstacle. You'll also hear from experts and everyday heroes who have conquered chronic illness and stepped outside their comfort zones. *If you're ready to get out of bed and start living your best life, this podcast is for you. Subscribe now and get ready to be empowered, inspired, and badass!*